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bidentis N M

  • 1 bidēns

        bidēns entis (abl. entī or ente; gen plur. entium or entum), adj.    [bi-+dens], with two teeth: forfex, two - bladed, V.—As subst m., a heavy hoe, mattock with two iron teeth: glaebam frangere bidentibus, V.: bidentis amans, i. e. agriculture, Iu.—Fem., an animal for sacrifice: intonsa, V.: mactant bidentīs Cereri, V.: caede bidentium, H. — A sheep, Ph.
    * * *
    (gen.), bidentis ADJ
    two-pronged; with two teeth; two bladed; having two permanent teeth
    animal for sacrifice (esp. sheep)
    heavy hoe, mattock with two iron teeth

    Latin-English dictionary > bidēns

  • 2 bidens

    bĭdens (old form duidens), entis (abl. bidenti, Lucr. 5, 209; Verg. Cir. 212; Pomp. ap. Gell. 16, 6, 7:


    Tib. 2, 3, 6; Verg. Cat. 8, 9; Plin. 17, 21, 35, § 159; gen. plur. bidentium, Hor. C. 3, 23, 14:


    Ov. M. 15, 575), adj. [bis-dens], with two teeth (not in Cic.).

    amica, i.e. anus,

    Auct. Priap. 82: bos, Paul. ex Fest. p. 35 Müll.:


    Plin. 8, 51, 77, § 206.—
    Transf., with two prongs, points, etc.:


    Plin. 7, 56, 57, § 209:


    Verg. Cat. 8, 9:

    ferrum = forfex,

    id. Cir. 212.—
    Masc., a heavy hoe or mattock with two crooked iron teeth; Gr. dikella: valido bidenti ingemere, Lucr. 5, 209: Tib. 1, 1, 29; 1, 10, 49; 2, 3, 6:

    glaebam fran/gere bidentibus,

    Verg. G. 2, 400:

    duros jactare bidentis,

    id. ib. 2, 355:

    durus bidens et vomer aduncus,

    Ov. F. 4, 927:

    bidentibus soli terga convertere,

    Col. 4, 14, 1; 4, 17, 8; Pall. Jul. 5; cf. id. ib. 1, 43, 1; Dig. 33, 7, 8 al.—Hence, meton. for agriculture:

    bidentis amans,

    Juv. 3, 228.—
    Fem. (old form duidens, Paul. ex Fest. p. 66 Müll.; cf. the letter B), an animal for sacrifice (swine, sheep, ox): bidentes hostiae, quae per aetatem duos dentes altiores habent, Jul. Hyg. ap. Gell. 16, 6, 14: bidentes sunt oves duos dentes longiores ceteris habentes, Paul. ex Fest. p. 33 Müll.; Isid. Orig. 12, 1, 9. It is more correct to understand by bidens an animal for sacrifice whose two rows of teeth are complete; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 4 Müll.: ambidens sive bidens ovis appellabatur, quae superioribus et inferioribus est dentibus, and in Heb., the dual of, of the two rows of teeth; v. Gesen. Heb. Lex. under:

    mactant lectas de more bidentīs Legiferae Cereri,

    Verg. A. 4, 57 Forbig. ad loc; id. ib. 7, 93; 12, 170; * Hor. C. 3, 23, 14; Ov. M. 10, 227; 15, 575; Pompon. ap. Gell. 16, 6, 7; Plin. 8, 51, 77, § 206.— Transf. from the lang. of offerings to a general use = ovis, a sheep, Phaedr. 1, 17, 8.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > bidens

  • 3 caedō

        caedō cecīdī, caesus, ere    [2 SAC-, SEC-], to cut, hew, cut down, fell, cut off, cut to pieces: arbores: robur, O.: silvas, Cs.: murus latius quam caederetur ruebat, L.: lapis caedendus: securibus vina (frozen), V.: comam (vitis), Tb.: caesis montis fodisse medullis, Ct. — Prov.: ut vineta egomet caedam mea, i. e. attack my own interests, H. — To strike upon, knock at, beat, strike, cudgel: ianuam saxis: verberibus te, T.: virgis ad necem caedi: flagellis Ad mortem caesus, H.: nudatos virgis, L.: servum sub furcā, L.: caesae pectora palmis, i. e. beating, O.: in iudicio testibus caeditur, i. e. is pressed.—Of men, to strike mortally, kill, murder: illi dies, quo Ti. Gracchus est caesus: caeso Argo, O.—Poet., of blood: caeso sparsuros sanguine flammam, shed, V. — Of battle, to slay, slaughter, cut to pieces, vanquish, destroy: exercitus caesus fususque: infra arcem caesi captique multi, L.: passim obvii caedebantur, Cu.: ingentem cecidit Antiochum, H.: placare ventos virgine caesā, V.—Of animals, to slaughter (esp. for sacrifice): greges armentorum: boves, O.: deorum mentis caesis hostiis placare: victimas, L.: binas bidentis, V.: Tempestatibus agnam, V. — Fig.: pignus caedere (in law), to declare the forfeiture of a security, confiscate a pledge: non tibi illa sunt caedenda: dum sermones caedimus, chop words, chat, T.: Caedimur, cudgel one another (with compliments), H.
    * * *
    caedere, caecidi, caesus V TRANS
    chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize
    caedere, cecidi, caesus V TRANS
    chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize

    Latin-English dictionary > caedō

  • 4 mactō

        mactō āvī, ātus, āre    [mactus], to magnify, extol, honor, glorify, elevate: puerorum extis deos manīs: lacte Latinas, make splendid, C. poët.: eos honoribus, load with honors.—To offer, sacrifice, immolate, devote: bidentīs Cereri, V.: Lentulo victimam: Mactata veniet lenior hostia, H.: hostium legiones mactandas Telluri dabo, L.— To kill, slaughter, put to death: summo supplicio mactari: alqm, V., O.— To overthrow, ruin, destroy: nisi cessissem, mactatus essem, should have been sacrificed: ius civitatis illo supplicio mactatum.— To afflict, trouble, punish: tali mactatus atque hic est infortunio, T.: hostīs patriae suppliciis, pursue.
    * * *
    mactare, mactavi, mactatus V
    magnify, honor; sacrifice; slaughter, destroy

    Latin-English dictionary > mactō

  • 5 fibra

    fī̆bra, ae, f. [acc. to Doed. Syn. 3, p. 22, kindr. with filum (cf. the Eng. string in both senses)], a fibre, filament, in a plant, in a part of an animal's body, etc. (cf. nervus).

    viriditas herbescens, nixa fibris stirpium, sensim adolescit,

    Cic. de Sen. 15, 51:

    omnes radicum fibras evellere,

    id. Tusc. 3, 6, 13:

    recurvae radicis,

    Ov. M. 14, 633:


    Verg. M. 88:

    tubera undique terra circumdata nullisque fibris nixa aut saltem capillamentis,

    Plin. 19, 2, 11, § 33; Col. 11, 2, 9; 11, 3, 21:

    pulmo in duas fibras ungulae bubulae modo dividitur..jecur in quatuor fibras dividitur,

    i. e. parts, divisions, Cels. 4, 11:

    perlucentes numerare in pectore fibras,

    Ov. M. 6, 391:

    quid fissum in extis, quid fibra valeat, accipio,

    Cic. Div. 1, 10, 16; cf.:

    pericula praemonent, non fibris modo extisque, sed alia quadam significatione,

    Plin. 8, 28, 42, § 102:

    altera fibra (jecoris),

    id. 11, 37, 76, § 196; 32, 6, 21, § 60: fibrae cincinnorum madentes, Cic. Fragm. ap. Serv. Verg. G. 1, 120 et saep.—
    Transf., entrails in gen. ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    tura focis, vinumque dedit fibrasque bidentis,

    Ov. F. 4, 935; cf.:

    caesorumque boum fibris de more crematis,

    id. M. 13, 637:


    i. e. the liver devoured by the vulture, Val. Fl. 7, 355; cf. Verg. A. 6, 600: conscia deorum (as giving prognostics;

    v. above I.),

    Tib. 1, 8, 3; cf.:

    sibi commissos fibra locuta deos,

    Prop. 4 (5), 1, 104:

    fibraeque repente Conticuere,

    Sil. 1, 138:

    neque mihi cornea fibra est,

    i. e. I am not so callous, insensible, Pers. 1, 47.—
    Trop., like our word bowels, of the interior of the earth:

    persequimur omnes ejus (terrae) fibras,

    Plin. 33 praef. § 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > fibra

  • 6 manubrium

    mănūbrĭum ( mănĭbrĭum), ii, n. [1. manus], that which is grasped or held in the hand; hence, a handle, hilt, haft (class.):

    trulla excavata, manubrio aureo,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 27, § 62:

    manubria, quorum optima sunt ilignea,

    Col. 11, 2, 92:


    id. 5, 10, 2:

    per ipsum manubrii foramen,

    Pall. 3, 17, 8:


    Juv. 11, 133:


    Vitr. 10, 13.—Prov.:

    Is etiam sese sapere memorat! Malleum sapientiorem scilicet esse manubrio,

    Plaut. Ep. 3, 4, 92: eximere alicui ex manu manubrium, to take the handle out of one's hand, i. e. to deprive one of the opportunity of doing a thing, id. Aul. 3, 4, 12.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > manubrium

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